Three Rivers HS and MS Going To Remote Learning This Week
Monday, October 18, 2021

(THREE RIVERS) – Due to staffing issues, both Three Rivers High School and Three Rivers Middle School will be going to remote learning for this week.

Three Rivers Interim Superintendent Nikki Nash along with Three Rivers High School Principal Carrie Balk and Three Rivers Middle School Principal Jason Bingaman says the remote learning will run from October 19 through October 22. The plan is similar to what it was last year. Students will be expected to attend Google Meets each hour along with completing assignments posted in each Google Classroom.

Specifics will be shared by each building principal and teachers on Monday, including access to the buildings to pick up any needed materials.

Nash says staff shortages in the District, combined with a very small pool of substitutes, results in the available teachers shifting from class to class every hour, and other staff being pulled from their positions to cover classrooms. Nash says unfortunately, they are at a point where they are unable to cover classrooms.

Nash says this will not impact extra curricular activities, including athletic events.

If there are any questions, you can contact either Balk or Bingaman.